23rd September to 29th September 2019 is World Green Building Week which is an annual campaign to raise awareness of green buildings for the purpose of creating a green, healthy and climate resilient building environment. At Lautrec, our vision to help build a strong, sustainable engineering industry where we can use our knowledge and skills to create a better, fairer and more sustainable planet.
This year’s campaign focusses on creating a greater awareness of the carbon emissions from all stages of a building’s lifecycle. The construction industry is responsible for 17% of New Zealand’s carbon emissions. The industry has a lot of work to do, however, the best time to start is today.
We are a member of the New Zealand Green Building Council and they do a lot of work advocating for healthier and more sustainable buildings. They have events taking place throughout the main centres around New Zealand.
There is some fabulous work happening around the country and over the next week we will be showcasing some of our projects.